Find your S.H.A.P.E. in ministry

Discover how God wants to grow and use you in our Year of Expansion

To help you discover what God might be calling you into as part of Ivy Church in our Year of Expansion, each week we’ll have a small activity following from each weeks’ talk topic throughout this series. Please take the time to prayerfully work through these. You may want to talk through the results of each activity with friends, family, and those in your Grow Group.

We’ll add the next weekly activity to this page at the end of our Sunday Gatherings, so remember to come back each week to take your next step in finding your shape.

Now that you have your S.H.A.P.E. for the Year of Expansion, take your next step in serving in the ministries/teams at Ivy Church - or let us know what team you’d like to create!

Join our Teams
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