
Becoming who God made you to be

How a relationship with God changes everything

Who is God.. who am I.. what am I here for.. what’s the best way to live?

These are all questions we have asked in different ways throughout our lives - maybe coming up with different answers every time. The change and turmoil of the last few years has made many ask these questions again - maybe that’s you! The Bible tells us that the answers begin with God. That’s where it all starts.

The KNOWING GROWING GOING course is a three week journey to answer the big questions of life and discover how a personal relationship with Jesus changes everything!

You can do this course on your own using the online videos and book or meet up with others and do it together. You can also register below to join a course running at Ivy Church.

Watch the videos

Register to do this course with others at Ivy Church


Get in touch if you're interested in running this course with a group of people?

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Becoming a disciple that makes disciples

Discover your God-given potential

Within every apple seed is the potential not only to plant one apple tree, but fill the entire planet with apple trees. In the same way, within every follower of Jesus, within you, is the potential to fill the entire plant with disciples.

When Jesus called his first disciples he said “follow me and I will send you out to fish for people.” Jesus took his disciples on an adventure of discovering who he was and to equip them to be able to help others discover him too!

This is what the Discipleship Pathway course is all about. Over 8 weeks you will be part of a community going on the adventure of discovering what it means to become a disciple of Jesus. You will learn simple tools to help others become disciples too and catch a God-given vision for your life, family, friends and communities.

If you have questions about the training, would like to join a course, or would like to run it with a group of people then let us know!

Get in touch

Join the Apostolic Resource Centre

God is returning the church to its original apostolic call as a sent people to fulfil the great commission. Come with us on a journey of discovery about how our Christology informs our missiology which in term informs our ecclesiology. And if you don't know what anyone of that means all will be revealed!

ARC mornings happen at Ivy Church in Didsbury (97 Barlow Moor Road, Manchester, M20 2GP) from 9:45am-12noon. Please arrive early for refreshments.

Get in touch if you're interested in finding out more.

Get in touch

Your story

We would love to hear about what God is doing through you and the people you are discipling. Let us know what has been happening in your community through your discipleship group or new church.

Share your story with us