Get to know us better
About Us
At Ivy Church we are a supernatural community that is all about Jesus.
We want to help people find their way back to God through the power of the Holy Spirit, becoming followers of Jesus who share the good news with others so that they become disciples too.
You are always welcome at Ivy.
Wherever you are in your faith journey, we’d love you to join us.

As a church we are:
We are focussed on those who are finding their way back to God.
We will take risks for God and step into unknown things in obedience to his call.
We want everything we say and do to be relevant, authentic and accessible.
We are confident in God that he will lead us forward, step by step, whatever the circumstances.
We extend an invitation to everyone, whatever their background and whatever their needs.
We want to enable God's power to be released through God's people to equip us to be all that God has made us to be.
Further reading
Discipleship Pathway
We have highlighted 5 key areas in our walk with God which cover different aspects of being a disciple who disciples others.

How can we discover people far from God and help them discover Jesus?

How can we lead others into a life following Jesus?

How can we help others be devoted to God in community, the bible, worship?

How can we develop others?

How can we send people out to be disciples who make disciples?
Get to know the team
We are led by a team of staff and elders, a group of leaders with varied ministry gifts, who together are responsible for the spiritual health and direction of the church.
Staff Team

"I use my leadership gifts to equip others to make the most of theirs."
"I’m here to help put plans into action! Within this I oversee the operations, finance and HR elements of all things Ivy."
"I lead Ivy Buds for babies, toddlers and their grown ups and the Sensory Space in the Brockbank Centre for families, carers and professionals for those with additional needs who need a safe haven and an accessible environment."
"I am the LAUNCH conference Events Leader helping global leaders to think about growing disciples who make disciples and healthy church multiplication."
"I can mainly be found in homes around South Manchester offering free debt help. I am passionate about seeing people set free from debt and all of the pressures that it brings."
"I oversee Ivy Kids ministry and my main focus is to work closely with Kids and Youth leaders and Ivy families to inspire, equip and support parents and carers as they seek to disciple their children."
"I'm passionate about hospitality and lead the Ivy Cafe at Ladybridge Connect!"
"I lead the day to day management of the Ladybridge Connect partnership, its site, buildings and the Ivy Café."
"I help to lead people in being wholehearted, devoted worshippers of Jesus Christ in their everyday lives."
"I not only have the best job in the church but the best job in the world! My main roles include helping to disciple 11-18 year olds, developing youth leaders and overseeing our midweek and Sunday programs."
"I coordinate the Hub, an effective worshipping and learning community, including communications, catalysing local student recruitment and delivery of WTC content on Hub evenings."
I'm passionate about seeing everyone, but especially young adults meet Jesus, grow in their faith and be equipped to go into their day to day lives spreading the amazing news of Jesus!
"I process all of Ivy Church’s income and expenditure in accordance with biblical principles and government regulations."
"I work with all of our team and ministries to support their events and communications, as well as looking after our office and the Didsbury building. I love being organised!"
I’m passionate about helping make disciples who make disciples, through working with people and processes.
"I work with our partners and help everyone at Ivy to be engaged in action for the Kingdom out in the world, on mission, making disciples2"
contactLay Elders

Kate, Phil, Michelle, Julia and Andrew